Hang Up (2012)
This is the Mr T Experience's cover. |
I can honestly say, this is the first time in a long time that I bought a record almost exclusively because of the cover art. In case you didn't know, this 7"s cover is a spoof of the Mr T Experience's Love Is Dead. Had me cracking up the first time I saw it, so I had to add it to the collection. Now as far as the music on it, I'm not sure what to say. It's good, it's very much straight up MTX/early Green Day style pop punk that I probably would have gone crazy for when I was in high school. All these years later, I won't say I don't like it, it just feels a little paint by numbers. Though I will say the title track, "Sarah," is a pretty fun mock-ode to Sarah Palin in the vein of Zoinks' "Uma 14 Times."
The Capitalist Kids - Sarah B/W Ayn 7" (Via Bandcamp):
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