Monday, September 9, 2013

Vacation is approaching...

So this week I'm heading out to Chicago in order to see Rocket From The Crypt play twice, see some Blues Brothers landmarks and go record shopping in some new stores.  My wife & I have a decent amount of errands to prepare for this, so I'm just going to take the first few days of this off from this website as well. 

There won't be any record reviews for the next 2 weeks, but I will be back posting on Monday September 23rd.  Additionally, if you care, you can follow me on Twitter if the thought of 2 weeks without reading something I write is particularly terrifying for some reason.  @TimPopKid.

I'm quite excited about this trip.  I've never been to Chicago before and I'm going to get to hang out with some people that I've met through the RFTC/Swami message boards over the years.  Should be neat.  Plus I couldn't be happier about seeing Rocket From The Crypt for the 26th and 27th time.  Long live the dead!

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