It's been a little while since I did one of these collection posts. Dragging out older records and arranging them for a group shot can be a tedious and time consuming process. Plus there's all that extra vacuuming. But if there ever was a band that was worth the effort and a time to write this post, this is the time and this is the band.
Drive Like Jehu is one of the most important bands I've ever listened to. While I love their first self titled record, the follow up, Yank Crime, is one of my all time favorites. We're talking top 5 record, desert island disc, whatever silly cliché you want to talk about.
The furious pounding of the bass guitar and drums mixed with the dueling guitar pyrotechnics of John Reis and Rick Froberg are a potent combination. To steal a quote from Donald "Duck" Dunn, they're "powerful enough to turn goat piss into gasoline." From the second "Here Come The Rome Plows" rips out of the gate to the very last moments of this album, Yank Crime is essentially perfection.
The reason this post is so timely is because next week I am flying to Chicago and I am going to see Drive Like Jehu play twice. This will be the first time I have ever gotten to see them play and they have been the number one band on my list to see for twenty years. It's something I almost never thought I'd get the chance to do, but it's finally on the horizon.
Also, once that happens, Bum is moved to the number one spot as far as bands I need to see live goes, so they need to get a little closer to the East Coast so I can see them play.
Anyway, this will be my last post for about a week. I'll be taking a small end of summer vacation, which will include the trip to Chicago and the Drive Like Jehu shows. I'm hopeful I'll also get some new pictures of record stores I haven't been to yet and of course some new records to write about.
If you're a masochist of some sort and you just can't bare to not see me write something for a week, I'll be posting on twitter @timpopkid. Otherwise, peruse the archives of this site and I'll be back and writing more the week of 14th.
Aloha. Suit up.
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Black Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - White Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Greenish-Blue Swirl Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Red Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Clear Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime - Headhunter - Black Vinyl LP, Black Vinyl 7"
Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime - Headhunter - Blue Vinyl LP, Red Vinyl 7"
Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime - Headhunter - Red Vinyl LP, Red Vinyl 7"
Drive Like Jehu - Bullet Train To Vegas - Merge - Black Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Black Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - White Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Greenish-Blue Swirl Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Red Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Drive Like Jehu - Headhunter - Clear Vinyl
Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime - Headhunter - Black Vinyl LP, Black Vinyl 7"
Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime - Headhunter - Blue Vinyl LP, Red Vinyl 7"
Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime - Headhunter - Red Vinyl LP, Red Vinyl 7"
Drive Like Jehu - Bullet Train To Vegas - Merge - Black Vinyl
Who knows really. Cargo represses these things so often, especially the S/T, that I can't imagine there aren't more wacky variants out there. If you see one, let me know!
Drive Like Jehu - "Here Come The Rome Plows":
Drive Like Jehu - "Luau":
Drive Like Jehu - "Spikes To You":
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