Boss Tuneage (2015, Reissue)
Along with The Jones record that I wrote about a couple of weeks ago, this Doctor Bison album is the one that I was most excited to finally be able to purchase on vinyl. Kudos to the kind folks at Boss Tuneage for giving me something so wonderful to spend my money on.
Dewhursts: The Music came out when I was in college. Specifically it was out right when I was the music director of my school's radio station. No one sent a copy of this in to us, this was a record I liked so much that I brought a in a copy for the station myself. Let me tell you how many completely different kinds of DJs coalesced around this record. Everyone loved it. In particular, the banjo fueled, ever so slightly country tinged "Fractured Jaw" was probably played every few hours for a while there.
The way that the incomparable Dickie Hammond poured his energy into these songs, mixing his dynamic punk rock assault into a band that leaned towards a much more to soulful side of things is something to behold. I was hooked after the first time I ever heard "Delusion of Grace." Please, take that Pepsi challenge. If you like the records I typically review here, I think there's a good chance you'll be a fan as well.
As a bonus, the 2nd LP contains the Bring It On EP that the band had released many years later along with some extra unreleased songs. I'll admit that I never had the Bring It On EP for whatever reason. Honestly, it came out and I didn't find out about it for a couple of years after. Then it just sort of slipped off my radar for whatever reason. Rest assured, these are also phenomenal songs. Maybe they're not quite at the level of perfection that Dewhursts reaches, but keep in mind that I have an extra 17 years or so of listening to those Dewhursts songs. So it's tough to compare them fairly.
Regardless, this is an amazing reissue, one that I'm just thrilled to be able to add to the collection. And one more CD I could theoretically move into storage. If I was theoretically moving any CDs into storage. Which I'm not. I probably should though, I'm running out of room.
Doctor Bison - "Delusion of Grace":
Doctor Bison - "Fractured Jaw":
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