Self Released (2017)
I think this was self released by the band. There are no markings of a record label and I can't find any information on line, so I'm just going to assume it's self released. This three song EP from Osaka based Trashmind is outstanding. It looks like this EP has been about ten years in the making and honestly, it sure seems like it was worth the time and effort to me.
The first comparison that comes to mind is that Trashmind seems to inhabit a space right in the middle of early Green Day and early Pinhead Gunpowder. It's not quite as slick as Green Day, but it's also not as gruff as Pinhead Gunpowder. Trashmind somehow sits perfectly in between the two, churning out three incredibly catchy and upbeat songs. For good measure there's also a hint of the No Idea records sort of group vocal choruses here and there that mix wonderfully with the Lookout records sounds the band is churning out.
My biggest complaint is that there are only three songs on this CD. I desperately want to hear more. Trashmind has a bandcamp page with another demo of theirs available to download. Rest assured I'm going to go grab that immediately. If anyone in Trashmind reads this, please make more records as soon as you can. I don't want to wait ten years for the next one.
Trashmind - Longrime Losers' EP:
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