Monument / Legacy / Roy's Boys (2016)
A couple of months ago I was flipping through the stations on TV and I stumbled across a Roy Orbison concert on PBS. It was filmed in black & white even though it was from the 80s and featured Roy along with some other musicians playing Roy's hits. On board were an impossibly young Elvis Costello and Bruce Springsteen. Needless to say it was a pretty captivating watch and it got me thinking that I didn't have any Roy Orbison records in my collection despite being pretty familiar with a huge swath of his work.
I didn't think I wanted to go crazy and track down every Orbison release, so I was hopeful to find a serviceable greatest hits collection. This double LP is way more than serviceable and compiles pretty much every Roy hit that I was looking for and even tacks on a couple of Traveling Wilburys songs for good measure. From "Oh, Pretty Woman" to " Drove All Night" to "You Got It" (and those are just the first three songs on the album) all of Roy's most popular songs seem to be present or at least the ones I'm most familiar with. I really wish Electric Light Orchestra would have a hits record this comprehensive as they have too many LPs to hunt down.
Sound quality is great and I really have no criticisms at all about this record. There was a gap in my record collection and The Ultimate Collection stepped in a filled the gap. I couldn't ask for more.
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