Drunken Sailor / Rad Girlfriend (2016)
I'm not exactly sure why it took me two years to pick up this 7". I'm actually not positive that I knew it was out, though that seems weird to me. Anyway, I grabbed it while looking for something to help qualify for free shipping while grabbing some records from Green Noise. This split popped up and it fit the bill perfectly.
First up on this split 7" we have Raging Nathans. A few years ago I wrote about their album Losing It and I definitely enjoyed that. The two songs on this 7" seem to reflect a somewhat rougher version of the band as they barrel through three chord, pop punk style riffs at blazing speed. Both songs are short, economical and cram a ton of energy into their brief run times. "Good For You" is my favorite of the two with it's bouncy, super catchy chorus. These guys also have a new album out this year called Cheap Fame, but I haven't picked that one up yet.
On the other side of the 7" we have Wonk Unit, a band that I was really late to the party for, but one that I've been trying to make up for lost time with. "We Came Together" starts thing of with a jangly guitar riff, that feels like something that might be on a deep cut of a Vacant Lot album, but with a slight ska lean to it. "Candy" showcases Wonk Unit's ability to craft a simple, sparse song that still contains all of the energy of the loudest punk thrasher you can think of. Their ability to keep things unique, but still cram their songs full of hooks is on full display during both songs.
Raging Nathans / Wonk Unit - Split 7":
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