Bad Horror (2018)
My buddy Jason in Baltimore said I needed to check out Stayawakes from Southsea in England. There are times when Jason hasn't always been spot on with his recommendations, but man did he hit this one out of the park. Stayawakes' debut album is exactly the sort of thing that's right up my alley and I bought the UK import LP after listening to one and a half songs on their Bandcamp page. Hell, it's really the sort of thing we'd want to put out on PopKid, to be completely honest. The album is pretty perfect.
The easiest comparison for me to make, and the one that will make you understand why I think this would fit on PopKid, is that I find so many remarkable similarities to the band Beezewax. These guy could be their long lost doppelganger band. The way they weave Posies-esque melodies and harmonies into punchy Superchunk level energetic songs like "Keepsakes" and "No Shame" is comparable to my favorite Norwegian band. But they have an equal mastery of slowing down the pace and really sinking their teeth into a slower, beautiful song like "Sophie."
Each of the album's ten songs are amazing and build off of each other throughout the course of the record. This one is absolutely one of the best albums I've heard this year. And let's not forget they extra points they earn for the Ghostbusters reference album title. This is everything I would want from a band. Don't miss out.
Stayawakes - Dogs And Cats / Living Together LP:
Jason who? I live in Baltimore so I'm just curious.