Snappy Little Numbers (2019)
Ever since picking up the two song Foxhall Stacks cassingle that was sold at the Jawbox merch table at their most recent tour, I've been chomping at the bit to hear the full length. It built up some pretty high expectations for me and it could have been difficult for the band to live up to them, because I really loved the two songs on that tape. I can happily report that the entire album is fantastic and one of the best I have heard all year.
In other excellent news, the two songs from the cassingle are also on this full album, captured on glorious vinyl and not resigned to cassette purgatory. While I'm not positive I can declare "Turntable Exiles" and "Law Of Averages" are my favorite songs on the record, they are pretty incredible and stand out every time I listen to The Coming Collapse. What I think may be happening is since I'm more familiar with those two from the tape, when I hear them within the context of the album, they just jump out at me more due to that familiarity.
The entire album is just great, with huge chunky guitars and big, big hooks. Whether it's the stutter stop guitar riff of "The Old Me" or the Posies-esque pop hooks of "Take Control" or the mid tempo harmonies of "Top Of The Pops," Foxhall Stacks hit it out of the park pretty much every single time. The Coming Collapse is easily one of the best records I have heard all year. It's one that will absolutely be in the running for the very top spot when I start making my year end list. This is one worth going out of your way to check out.
Foxhall Stacks - The Coming Collapse:
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