Poop Stick (2019)
Another 2 year old tape. The good news is that I'm finally almost all caught up on my pile of tapes and will be able to move on to new things soon, but it's been appalling to me how many of these have been sitting around for so long. This is another Poop Sick records release, which I think means these are probably high school kids. As such, I applaud them for being out there, picking up instruments and making some rock and roll racket. That said, this hurts my ears.
I guess this is hardcore? It's a lot of really fast drums with fast chord changes accompanied by a bunch of yelling. The songs are super short and there are mercifully only five of them, so the whole thing is over in less than six minutes. I'm not really sure I could take more than that. I've never been one who likes hardcore as the lack of melody and song structure has always driven me crazy. I don't really know if this band is any better or worse than others that I've heard. While this is the lamest, old person statement ever; it mostly all just sounds the same to me.
Again, props to the kids out there playing rock music as oppose to whatever else it is that high school kids do these days. I'm hopeful they will stay interested, grow and contribute great things to the music scene in years to come.
CaveXrage - I Believe In CaveXrage:
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