Brassneck / Disillusioned (2021)
I don't have many lathe cut records. And most of the ones I have are kind of old. There must have been some big time advances in lathe technology over the past few years as I am shocked how good this split 7" sounds. Does it sound quite as good as a proper piece of vinyl, just barely, no it doesn't. It's a little bit heavy on the low end and is maybe lacking in crispness ever so slightly. But that said, my jaw was on the ground when I put this on the turntable as I couldn't believe how good it did actually sound. We live in crazy times, folks...
Anyway, there's two bands on this record, the first of which is Custody, a long time favorite of mine and definitely in the running for being one of the best active bands going. They've long since mastered the Samiam-esque style of melodic punk and their contribution, "Running In Circles," is just another example of said mastery. The way the powerful vocals mesh in with the dynamic and catchy guitar work is just fantastic. I wish these guys put out a new record every week, like Rocket From The Crypt 1995-style.
Bear Away isn't a band I was familiar with prior to getting this record, and damn if this isn't the reason I love split 7"s so much. While they definitely have something of a similar melodic sound as Custody, Bear Away is definitely a beast unto themselves. The drums are fast, the guitar riffs are warm and fuzzy and the vocals hit all of the right notes. These guys are from England and when you listen to their song, I feel like they couldn't be from anywhere else.
This split is just excellent and I'm so relieved to have it in the collection. If you can find one, grab it...but if nothing else at least the songs are up on Bandcamp to download.
Custody / Bear Away - Split 7":