Universal/Stolkholm (2019, Reissue)
Last week I wrote about the Cardigans' record Life, which I kind of bought by mistake as I forgot that "Lovefool" wasn't on it. It's a great record and defintiely worthy of a spot in the collection, but I did have to immediately fix my mistake and grab a copy of First Band on the Moon on vinyl as well.
This is the record with "Lovefool" and hot damn do I love that song. I've had the 7" of it for decades, having picked it up in the UK when I was there on a trip in 1997 buying way too many records (no dot com back then). It';s still the highlight of the album to me. Granted there are some other great songs like "Never Recover" and "Been It," but as a whole I actually think Life is a much better record as a whole.
The thing about this record that holds it back a bit is that the songs are a little slower for the most part. It's always good, but for me it only ventures into great when they pick up the tempo a bit. Life feels like a record that's just a bit more fun overall, but this is the record with the hit. I guess I just have to have them both.
The Cardigans - First Band on the Moon:
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