Big Neck / Primitive Screwhead (2021)
Exploding Eyes is the third Robert O'Braidaigh band that's had a live tape recently released on Big Neck/Primitive Screwhead. I wrote about The Things a few weeks ago and just last week I tackled Cheap Freaks. This week, we have the second to last cassette from Big neck; Exploding Eyes.
One thing I will say about the three Robert O'Braidaigh bands is that I'm not positive I would know they had the same front person had I not been told. While the bands all have that sonic garage sound, the music varies quite a bit, Exploding Eyes appear to be the most recent of the three bands with this show's recording having taken place on February 27th, 2015. There's definitely some psych rock influences here with the repeating bass lines that allow for some lead guitar noodling and plenty of instances where the music drops out completely for moments of solo vocals only.
The fidelity of this record is totally solid. Levels are nice and even and everything is pretty clear. The band sounds like they're having a blast and I can only imagine that it was a pretty high energy show. I have one more tape to go from this batch, it's been the one I've been saving for last I was already an existing fan of the band. But that'll be next Monday.
Exploding Eyes - Live at Bello Bar:
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