Motorcycle Potluck / Snappy Little Numbers (2022)
Anyone in need of a bright and shiny pop punk record to help jolt you out of the doldrums of day-to-day life? I'm always looking for something like that and Lawsuit Models deliver that with gusto. Unknown Ghosts is their second full length album, following up 2018's excellent Off The Pavement LP. I really dug that album, but this new one hits me even harder.
When I wrote about Lawsuit Models in 2018, I compared them to a Peach Tree era Pollen. For this new one, I can still hear that a little bit, but the band that more immediately comes to mind this time out is The Stereo. In particular the way The Stereo sounded on their first album, Three Hundred. It's got the big, crunchy guitars for sure, but the vocal melodies are what really take it over the top for me. Just listen to the way they sing "co-o-o-matose" on the album's second song and then try to convince me it won't be stuck in your head for the next six months.
The whole album is full of hooks and melodies like that. Super catchy stuff, with just the absolute tiniest hint of a Tom Petty-esque twang hear and there. Ands that's not a complaint or a detriment. That's very much a selling point as it adds a slightly rough-around-the-edges authenticity to things, even though the production on the record is somewhat slick overall. In summary: this a great, fun, upbeat, catchy, energetic record. The raised the bar from their debut and have easily claimed a spot in my list of best records of 2022 so far.
Lawsuit Models - Unknown Ghosts: