Feral Kid / No Front Teeth (2023)
I have a small pile of records that some labels sent me to write about. I'm going to make an effort to get through these over the next couple of weeks and clear out the record bin I keep in my office that houses the stuff I haven't written about for the site yet. First up is Telegenic Pleasure.
I've been sitting on this one for a little bit. It's one of those 'dude recorded it by himself during the pandemic' albums. I've heard records made like this that are fun, and then there are others that sound like someone just going crazy. This one is kind of in the middle. I could never say that I like it, in a lot of ways it's the epitome of annoying solo recording that bug me. But at the same time, there was a definite point of view being pursued. Just because I don't like the point of view being followed, does that make it bad? A quandary.
Anyway, there's lots of synthy drum programming, spacey noises and distorted vocals. The songs are all pretty weird and don't follow the most standard structuring I've ever heard. There are early Love As Laughter songs that mined similar sonic territory, but those those ones always felt more spontaneous and exciting. These Telegenic Pleasure songs don't have that same sort of off-the-cuff flavor. I don't know, I'm getting lost. If you like weird, spacey, bedroom recordings, you might like this. You might also find it annoying because there's nothing all that interesting going on. I can only hope you don't find yourself in the position of having to write two paragraphs about it.
Telegenic Pleasure - Concentric Grave:
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