Capitol / UMe (2019, Reissue)
Capitol / UMe (2019, Reissue)
Brassneck / Engineer / Sell The Heart / Shield (2022)
This is a record that has been inexplicably sitting in my 'to do' pile for way too long (I have one that's been there for even longer that I desperately need to get to very soon). I first heard of Bear Away via their split lathe 7" with Custody and was instantly charmed with their take on melodic punk rock. When it was time for a full length, they ended up on the always stellar Brassneck records, so of course it was a no brainer to pick this up.
At it's core, it's awesome punk from the UK with one foot in that 90s, influenced sound that I love so much and the other channeling Iron Chic, RVIVR style US influences. There's lots of heart-on-your-sleeve emotion, but never in a way that feels cheesy or like bad emo. It's much mopre authentic and comes from a real place of passion for the music being created.
I often say that passion, enthusiasm and energy goes a long way with me when it comes to bands. If you can make me believe that you believe in what you're doing, I'm halfway hooked already. Bear Away has that in spades. I never doubt how into being in this band they are, it comes across on each of the songs on this album. I feel bad that I'm writing about it so long after the fact, but hopefully this will put it in front of some folks that may have had it fly under their radar. It's a great album and one that deserves more attention.
Bear Away - A Drastic Tale of Western Living:
Say-10 (2023)
Hey, it's my favorite band from Finland, Custody. Talk about a band that can just do no wrong, in my opinion, they are easily one of the best and most consistent bands that are currently active. While they are gearing up for their third LP, we have two new songs courtesy of a new, Lathe Cut 7" on Say-10 records.
If you are unfamiliar with Custody, I'm not sure how you are even reading my dumb website. But in any case, they are a perfect, melodic punk rock band that wears their Samiam and Leatherface influences on their sleeve. The channel a furious dual-guitar attack, with impassioned vocals and a seemingly never-ending supply of hooks. If it's not clear, I love these guys and the two new songs on this record are every bit as good as their prior output.
The record itself is a lathe cut, double sided on clear plastic (I guess?). It doesn't sound as good as a traditional vinyl record. It's a little flat and not as full sounding. My copy is kind of all over the place with certain parts of songs sounding fine and other parts being a little blown out. But in general it does a serviceable job delivering the music and it looks really nice. I would have preferred a proper 7", but I certainly understand the financial constraints of that particular format these days. I'm just happy to have some new tunes by one of the best bands going.
Custody - Get Stoked Lathe Cut 7":
Urban Legends / Virgin / UMe (2023, Reissue)
Drunk Dial (2024)
It seems very odd to me that the last Gentleman Jesse full length is already more that two years old. And I know I have mentioned this before, but as I get older, my perception of time is completely whacked out. But regardless, it's been a minute since we last heard from Jesse and I was happy to see that he was taking part in the Drunk Dial 7" series.
Gentleman Jesse's entry into this club is a two song 7", the first 100 of which were pressed on sky blue vinyl. Those went pretty quick, but I was able to snag one before they sold out. The black vinyl version is still out there though.
I was kind of disappointed in the last Gentleman Jesse release. The songs all felt slow to me and in a lot of instances, kind of downer at times. They were well written, well performed songs, but they didn't capture that upbeat, poppy Jesse energy that I had been used to from his prior releases. This 7" is pretty similar to me. The A side, "Where Time Stands Still," is an original and while it is a bit more uptempo than a lot of the songs on his last album, there is still a strain of melancholy here that I'm still getting used to.
On the B side is a cover song called "Return of the Mack" which is a mid 90s R&B song that I had not ever heard of prior to Jesse's cover. This one is definitely on the slower side of things and honestly, it doesn't really do a whole lot for me. Maybe it's more clever if you know the original, but for an uncultured heathen like me, it just sounds like a slow song where there isn't a lot going on that connects with me. Still, Gentleman Jesse has built up more than enough goodwill with me over the years that will make me keep buying his records. I'm just the type that likes the faster, poppier side of his catalog a bit more.
Gentleman Jesse - Where Time Stands Still 7":
Shifting Sounds / Double Helix (2024)
I wrote about Gentlemen Rogues for the first time on this website in 2013. That's how long I've been waiting for these fellows to crank out a full length album (I could go even further and say I've been waiting since 1995 if you include one of Danny's earlier bands, Jill). Every time Gentlemen Rogues release something, I whine about wanting a full length. They came close in 2022 by cramming two EPs onto a a 12" record with a full length running time. That was nice, but it's still not the same to me as a proper full album. Maybe I'm just old at this point, but I still feel that a full album is the best way to consume music.
Surface Noise finally delivers on the on the promise of all of the singles and EPs that the band has put out over the last ten years. Gentlemen Rogues have never disappointed me with one of their releases, and that hasn't changed with Surface Noise. It's an album full of punchy pop songs, threading the needle of being power pop, while still maintaining the buzzsaw guitar crunch and energy of a 90s pop punk band. Add in the non-stop hooks and singalong choruses that are sure to become firmly lodged into your cranium and I don't really know what else I can say to sell you on these guys.
If you're of a certain age, there was a time in the 90s where it felt like every day you'd discover a new band putting their spin on catchy punk songs. There was a never ending source of bands that could scratch that itch. In 2024, that well does not runneth over as it once did. It's getting harder and harder to find new records that really connect with me the way the older ones did. But every so often, like a beacon of shining light, some group will put out an album as good as Surface Noise and my faith in rock and roll is restored.
Here we are in the second week of February and I can tell you for a fact, there's no way this album doesn't end up in the upper echelon of my year end album list. And if it someone doesn't, then we're in for a hell of a 2024 when it comes to new albums coming out.
Gentlemen Rogues - Surface Noise:
Big Beat / Atlantic (1997)