Friday, June 7, 2024

Superchunk – Misfits & Mistakes 4xLP


Merge (2023)

I have been a Superchunk fan for a really long time.  They played at one of the earliest shows I ever went to and have been a constant in my rock and roll life for 30 years.  They've been remarkably consistent over that time.  The records that I love, I really love.  The records that I don't love are still pretty good all things considered.  I wouldn't say there are any bad Superchunk records, just ones that I don't listen to as often as others.

Superchunk has had three previous singles comps.  The single LP Tossing Seeds in 1992.  The double LP Incidental Music in 1995.  The triple LP Cup of Sand in 2003.  And now, for their fourth singles comp, we have Misfits and Mistakes, clocking in at a staggering quadruple LP set.  FOUR LPs worth of Superchunk B sides and oddities.  I love me some Superchunk, but this is way, way, way too much.

Don't get me wrong, there are flat out great songs on this thing.  "February Punk," "Blinders (Fast Version)" as well as singles versions of some of the best songs from their last few albums.  The artwork and liner notes are also top tier.  I love reading about individual songs and seeing the art of all of the singles I bought leading up to this. But there's so much here to get through.  A billion covers. Fast songs.  Slow songs.  So many songs.  As much as I love Superchunk, four LPs worth of songs, clocking in at two and a half hours of music is  just too much.  

Had they broken this up into two double LPs released a year or so apart, that would have been better.  I'd probably be really psyched on that.  But this much Superchunk, the vast majority of which is not the cream of their crop, is just overwhelming and kind of difficult to get motivated to listen to.  It almost feels like a chore.  Could I just listen to one of LPs at a time, sure.  But there's something about that just seems weird.  If it wasn't meant to be listened to together, why did they release it together?  For whatever reason, this is too much and is destined to be one of those Superchunk records I don't play very often.

Superchunk – Misfits & Mistakes:

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