Friday, August 9, 2024

Swami & The Bed of Nails - All Of This Awaits You... LP


Swami (2024)

Swami & The Bed Of Nails is the latest incarnation of John Reis' "solo" endeavor.  "Solo" is in quotes because this isn't a solo, singer-songwriter exercise.  It's a full band experience, but there's something of a rotating cast of characters helping out release to release, song to song.  The last time he put out a record like this it was released under the name Swami John Reis.  No matter what this band or any other band of his is called, I've been one of the world's biggest John Reis fans ever since first hearing Rocket From The Crypt in the 90s.  For me the Bed Of Nails is just another great band to add to his catalog.

The thing that strikes me most about All Of This Awaits You.. is that it's fun and joyful.  The songs are upbeat and catchy.  Even the songs that have negative lyrics (like hating a hardware store) are done with an exuberance that still makes it feel like a positive song.  I'm not going to pretend to be smart enough to dig down for deep meanings in most songs.  It's possible there's something about the lyrics of these songs that I'm missing belying a motive I can't see.  But for me, I'm typically happy enjoying things at the surface level most times and boy do I enjoy this record.

The LP is a very economical nine songs long, with three of the songs having appeared on 7"s leading up to the full length.  I think it raises the bar higher than the previous Swami John Reis album, Ride The Wild Night, though there are similarities to that record on here.  There are also times I hear echoes of the Night Marchers and Rocket.  Ultimately, it's a tight, fun record that whizzes by pretty quick, but also never fails to engage me.  

I really dig the aforementioned hardware store song "Harbor Freight."  "Ketchup, Mustard and Relish" is an unexpected entry into the "_______, _______ & _______" song title pantheon that the Swami has been contributing to over the years.  "Lost In Bermondsey" hits even harder than the version played on cardboard instruments that's been floating around on YouTube for a bit.  All in all, I just really like listening to this record.  It puts me in a good mood and if I have anything resembling a complaint it's just that I want more and wish it was longer.

Swami & The Bed of Nails - All Of This Awaits You...:

And yes, I got the bundle with the T shirt...

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