Friday, September 27, 2024

Autobahns - First LP


Feral Kid / Legless / Phantom / Magüt (2024)

I have a little pile of records people sent to me to review that's building up, so I'm trying to get through some of those.  Autobahns are from Germany and four labels went in on putting out this album.  Other than that I don't really know anything else about them other than the music that is on this LP.  I'm not sure I have that much to say about it.

It's fast punky rock with something of a Marked Men style guitar attack, if the Marked Men only recorded their albums in the sea and didn't have interesting chord progressions.  The guitar tone on this record is pretty silly and I can only describe it by saying that it wounds like a cartoon version of what a guitar being played underwater would sound like.

The vocals are ultra distorted to the point of being incomprehensible and they're pretty much screamed on top of being fuzzed out.  Is this better than your run of the mill hardcore band?  Yes, absolutely.  But it's not really good either.

Autobahns - First LP:

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