Friday, September 20, 2024

Teen Cobra - Buzzkill LP - Yellow Vinyl


Big Neck (2024)

There's lo fi and then there's no fi.  Teen Cobra fall in the latter category and that just makes this album even more fun.  Buzzkill is an LP full of loud, fuzzy garage stompers.  As far as production goes, the album is certainly rough and ready.  The vocals are fuzzed out and constantly in the red, the guitar is also ultra-distorted, but still manages to maintain an element of jangle to it and those components are fueled by a primitive, primal drum beat.  It's a lot of noise out of two people.

I think the thing that I like the most about this album is how it feels like a sister record to something that Doo Rag or The Black-Eyed Snakes would have released decades ago.  A lot of that is the percussion and the way the deceptively simple sounding drums add an energy and propulsion to every song.

It also helps that the vocals aren’t the standard garage snarl posturing.  I mean, there's a little of that, but you've never heard an album trying to cram in so many vocal harmonies while keeping the vocals so intentionally blown out.  It's really unique and makes Teen Cobra stand out from the pack.  I dig this.

Teen Cobra - Buzzkill:

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