Friday, March 21, 2025

Zephr - Past Lives LP


Snappy Little Numbers (2025)

Zephr is back with Past Lives, a follow up to their debut LP from 2020.  It seems inconceivable to me that was nearly five years ago already, but time does fly.  I was glad to see Zephr made a second album.  I liked their debu well enought, but more than anything I thought it showed a lot of potential for a band that may have still been coming into their own.  Particularly given when that record came out.

The last time I wrote about Zephr I mentioned that, for me, they fit in nicely with the Dear Landlords and Off With Their Heads of the world.  They bring similar things to the table: Aggressive vocals, dynamic guitar work and these folks definitely know their way around a hook.  I did want to touch on the vocals in particular.  I had made a comment about their debut that I didn't like one of the vocalists as much because his singing sounded a little strained to me.  I don't feel that way at all about this new album.  Both singers to a great job of carrying the melodies, while still maintaining that gravel-y roughness that works so well for this sort of thing.

In general, I think this record is an improvement from their debut.  The songs feel a little more put together this time, and everything comes across tighter as a result.  I like some ramshackle rock and roll as much as the next guy, but Zephr has just the right amount of polish that makes their record sound really big, but never falling victim to an artificial gloss.  That's mostly just a dumb way for me to write that I think this record sounds really good.

Zephr - Past Lives:

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